Chinese Name: Ni An Dong (倪安東)
Birthday: May 20, 1986
Birthplace: USA
Height: 178cm - 5'10"
Weight: 78kg - 172 pounds
He's a wasian -- for those who are unaware, that's a "white asian". A halfie. A mixed blood. A one and a half ABC. Or what have you.
An American who is now a Taiwanese pop star. He sings in both flawless English and flawless Mandarin, and I'm THRILLED. (I think it's INCREDIBLY sexy if a guy can speak another language fluently). Plus, did I mention? I have a thing for Asian guys, go figure.
He also covered "Blower's Daughter" -- probably one of my top favorite songs by Damien Rice, who is probably one of my top favorite musicians. When I saw "Blower's Daughter" pop up after searching for his music videos, I decided we were soul mates.
His first album "Lesson One" is a combination of Chinese & English songs. Since I've been going through a phase with Chinese music (mainly because I can't listen to English music when I'm studying Chinese, unless I want a major headache afterwards) -- I'm really happy I stumbled upon his music. I'm even more happy that all of it is free and SO easy to download in China. I've been downloading music as if my life depended on it -- Let's talk about how much I love Baidu and lack of copyright laws later. First? Let's recap:
Good looking. Check. Check.
Good taste in music. Check.
Good at singing. Check.
Good with languages??!! SOLD.
YES, please.
Anthony Neely is delicious. Score ONE for CPOP!!!!
I legitimately haven't had a celebrity crush since maybe when I first saw Bi Rain in "Fullhouse" my junior year of high school... or maybe it was Joseph Gordon Levitt in "500 Days of Summer". So bear with me as I indulge my fangirl side for a bit. Legitimate obsession alert.
His own English songs are less than inspirational -- pure, simple, fluffy love songs. However, keeping in mind that most of his fans are Chinese, maybe simple English lyrics are the best. From what I've gathered -- the more simple the lyrics are in English, the more popular the song will be with not only Chinese people, but with the international community as a whole. I have a sneaking suspicion it's simply because it's just easier to sing along to... and god knows, Asians need their KTVs. Just ask the Chinese, Koreans, Thai, Mongolians, and Indonesians I've gone karaokeing with. They're all obsessed with Westlife. I've never even heard of Westlife.
WARNING: Please do not Google or try to find Westlife songs on Youtube after reading this post. They will hurt your ears and delete your brain cells. They're actually absolutely atrocious. I can't go over how dumb their songs are... or the fact that none of them are even remotely good looking to me. Ew. Vom.
But this one Chinese song -- I actually really loved. If only for the fact, that I know exactly how she feels...
my favourite halfie was always wang lee hom (despite the gay rumours). thanks for sharing! i always appreciate being exposed to new music/artistes (: happy new year's eve!